CHECK OUT THE CONVENTION ROOM! Explore the link above to get to know the Radisson a bit better. Includes shots of the convention room, pool, and more. :::::NEWSFLASH::::: Contrary to popular belief, you do not in fact have to SIGN UP for this convention. Just SHOW UP :) We keep a record of who's coming on the STATS page, so that others can see who they'll be meeting after all this time, and get a quick background check. :::::THANK YOU::::: ***** 06.08.01 NEWS: Well, you've missed the deadline for getting in the Sockheads' block over at the Radisson...nice going, PUNK! Well, I did, too, so don't feel too bad. You could still probably get a room there, just not for the group rates. There are other hotels in the area that are a tad less pricey, and their info can be found on the Shelter page of this site. Remember that if you need a roommate, you can advertise ON THIS SITE by following the directions on the "roomies" section of this site. Or you're always welcome on the CARPOOLING/ROOMMATE mailing list (link available on the MAP/CARPOOL page, I don't remember it offhand). Also, your opinions of our Sinister Plot are greatly appreciated. There's a counter there, don't act like I don't know you've seen the page! Stop being so shy, you KNOW you've got ideas :) AND FOR THE *VERY* LAST TIME: No, you may NOT have my hand in marriage! Thanks, ---Tak
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